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by admin,  Mar 13 2013 13:24 PM

Initially, synergy between love and a NEW WORLD IMMIGRATION VISA seem impossible… but as you delve deeper it springs upon you, and the application is simple, South Africans just love to live abroad. With a deep-set love for exploring, finding new beginnings and then nestling into new cultures, making that a home, your home, be it in Australia, New Zeeland or any other country for that matter, fact remains… we are African migrants, itching to investigate the unfound.


So deeply embedded is our love for global exploration that we can fathom any reason to move. Our true Valentine is really the world at large, an insatiable love affair with meeting new people, experiencing exotic sun drenched beaches. The climax of course, in our wild endeavours that make us drool for oh, so much, much more is…different foods, never savoured and smelt before, new found mysteries in meals prepared abroad.


Visit Visa’s, Life Partner Visa’s, Retirement Permits and Relative Visa’s are just a few ways NEW WORLD IMMIGRATION will help make you and your loved ones get together…helping new found and matured loving people experience the most valuable commodity life has to offer…time… with one another.


Contact us, you’re always welcome.
