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Expat Parents: The Kids Will be Fine. Go Already!

by admin,  Apr 11 2013 08:57 AM

One of the concerns for expat parents is the social life of their children and the adjustment of moving. Do remember that children need time to adjust and be able to make new friends in their new home. Once given the opportunity to integrate with their peers, they can easily make friends and get easily acclimatized to the new country.

Get your kids out to explore their new territory and also get them involved with their fellow expat communities. Kids make new friends easily are adaptive. But they should go at their own pace. When in another country, where you set up your residence, will have an impact. It is pivotal for the adjustment of your children to feel comfortable and to feel safe. Bring some things from the old home into the new home and keep up old traditions. Like pizza and a movie on a Friday night or game night. Kids and many adults even, do not always welcome change and  the thought of being in a whole new country can be scary and frustrating. Involve them in decisions, such as how they will decorate their room and what subjects they want to take at school. Give them a diary or disposable camera to record every detail of the trip and any other details.

It is up to you to ensure that they see all of the positive aspects about the move and that they understand they will still be coming back for holidays and can keep in touch with their friends through the internet and over the phone. Provide them with an email address and, if they are old enough, set them up on a social networking and instant messenger site. It is also a good idea to get them to research their new country and find out as many interesting facts as they can. It will also help if you enroll them in a club or group that offers activities they have always wanted to try.

Be honest with your kids and give them a free rein to experience the country with you keeping a watchful eye over them. Moving overseas should be seen as an adventure. It is a great opportunity that many families only dream of. The reality is with the new global marketplace, opportunities are opening up. Companies like New World Immigration make it easier for families to set up residence in a new country. It is an exciting time.

